1) K. Osamura, S. Yamade and T. Kato, “Degradation due to Flatwise and Edgewise Bending on Critical Current of BSCCO Tapes”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2022) accepted for publication
2) K.Osamura, H.Oguro, S.Machiya, Y.Hishinum and H.Taniguchi; Microstructure Dependence of Mechanical Property of Commercial MgB2 Composite Wires”, J. Cryo. Super. Soc, Jpn, 56 (2021) 343 - 350
3) P Branch, Y Tsui, K Osamura and D. P Hampshire, “Weakly-Emergent Strain-Dependent Properties of High Field Superconductors”, Scientific Reports, 9(2019) 13998 (9p)
4) K Osamura, S Machiya, K Kajiwara, T Kawasaki, S Harjo, Y Zhang, S Fujita, Y Iijima and D P Hampshire, “Inverted-parabolic and weak strain dependencies on the critical current in practical <110> and <100> oriented REBCO tapes”, AIP Advances, 9(2019) 075216 (11P)
5) K Osamura, S Machiya, T Kawasaki, S Harjo, T Kato, S Kobayashi and G Osabe, “Mechanical_Electromagnetic Properties of Stainless Laminated BSCCO_2223 Wires”, Naterials Reseach Express, 6(2019) 026001
6) N Bagrets et al, “International round robin test for tensile testing HTS wires at cryogenic temperatures”, Supercond. Sci. and Technol., 32(2019) 024005 (10p)
7) T Hemmi, S Harjo, H Kajitani, T Suwa, T Saito, K Aizawa, K Osamura; “Evaluation of Bending Strain in Nb3Sn Strands of CIC Conductor Using Neutron Diffraction”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27 (2017) 1-5
8) K Osamura, F Kuratani, T Koide, W Ogawa, H Taniguchi, Y Monju, T Mizuta, and T Shobu, “The Correlation Between the Percussive Sound and the Residual Stress/Strain Distributions in a Cymbal”, J Mater Eng and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-016-2408-6 pub online Oct (2016)
9) F Kuratani, T Yoshida, T Koide, T Mizuta and K Osamura, “Understanding the effect of hammering process on vibration characteristics of cymbals”, MOViC & RASD (2016) J of Physics; Conference Series 744(2016)012110
10) K Osamura, S Machiya and G Nishijima; “Reversible Stress and Strain Limits of Critical Current of Practical REBCO and BSCCO Wires”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29(2016) 094003 (9pp)
11) K Osamura, S Machiya and D Hampshire; Mechanism for the uniaxial strain dependence of the critical current in practical REBCO tapes, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29(2016) 065019 (17pp)
12) Y Yamada, G Nishijima, K Osamura, H S Shin, W Goldacker, M Breschi and P Ribani, “International round robin test of the retained critical current after double bending at room temperature of Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 superconducting wires”, Superconductor Science and Technology, 29 ,(2016) 025010 (10pp)
13) 落合庄治郎, 奥田浩司, 新井貴博, 長村光造:銅安定化コーテッドコンダクターにおける臨界電流の耐ひずみ特性と耐応力特性間のトレードオフ関係に及ぼす銅の体積率と降伏応力の影響, 日本銅学会誌「銅と銅合金」 Vol.54, No.1 (2015) 185-189.
14) S Ochiai , H Okuda, M Fujimoto, and K Osamura, “Relation between n-Value and Critical Current in Filamentary and Coated Superconducting Tapes with Tensile Stress-Induced Cracks” Materials Transactions, Vol. 56, No. 9 (2015) pp. 1558 to 1564
15) X Jina, K Osamura, S Machiya, K Kajiwara, T Shobu, H Maeda “Effect of epoxy impregnation on strain distribution of materials in Bi2223 superconducting coils by using synchrotron X-ray diffraction”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 650 (2015) 444-449
16) 谷口博康,長村光造,菊池章弘、 Nb3Sn超電導線用ブロンズ中のTi基三元化合物の挙動低温工学 50(2015) 186 – 193.
17) S Ochiai1, H Okuda2, N Fujii2, and K Osamura, “Effects of Heterogeneous Cracking of Superconducting Layer on Voltage-Current Curve, Critical Current, and n-Value in High-Temperature Superconducting Layer-Coated Conductor Tape”, Materials Transactions, Vol. 56, No. 3 (2015) pp. 381 to 388
18) T Nakashima, K Yamazaki, S Kobayashi, T Kagiyama, M Kikuchi, S Takeda, G Osabe, J Fujikami, and K Osamura, “Drastic Improvement in Mechanical Properties of DI-BSCCO Wire With Novel Lamination Material”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Vol25, No.3 (2015) 6400705 (5pp)
19) K Osamura, S Machiya, S Harjo, T Nakamoto, N Cheggour and A Nijhuis, “Local Strain Exerted on Nb3Sn Filaments in an ITER Strand”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 045016 (9pp)
20) 落合 庄治郎, 奥田 浩司, 永野伸次, 菅野 未知央, 長村 光造, Sang Song Oh, Hong Soo Ha, “鋼シースSmBcOコーテッドコンダクターの引張負荷応力下における超伝導特性”, 銅と銅合金第53巻1号(2014) 187
21) S Ochiai1, H Okuda, S Nagano, M Sugano, Sang-Song Oh, Hong-Soo Ha and K Osamura, “Relation of n-Value to Critical Current for Local Sections and Overall Sample in a SmBCO Coated Conductor Pulled in Tension”, Materials Transactions, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2014) pp. 549 to 555
22) K Osamura, H-S Shin, K-P Weiss, A Nyilas, A Nijhuis, K Yamamoto, S Machiya and G Nishijima; “International round robin test for mechanical properties of REBCO superconductive tapes at room temperature”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2014) 085009 (8pp)
23) K Osamura, S Machiya, D P Hampshire, Y Tsuchiya, T Shobu, K Kajiwara, G Osabe, K Yamazaki, Y Yamada and J Fujikami; “Uniaxial strain dependence of the critical current of DI-BSCCO tapes”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2014) 085005 (11pp)
24) 落合 庄治郎, 奥田 浩司, 新井 貴博, 菅野 未知央, 長村 光 造, Verner Prusseit, “引張負荷応力で生じた局所クラックが鋼被覆DyBCOコーテッドコンダクターの超伝導特性に及ぼす影響”, 銅と銅合金第52巻1号(2013)525-530
25) S Ochiai, H Okuda1, T Arai1, M Sugano, K Osamura and W Prusseit, “Influence of Copper Volume Fraction on Tensile Strain/Stress Tolerances of Critical Current in a Copper-Plated DyBCO-Coated Conductor”, Materials Transactions, Vol. 54, No. 3 (2013) pp. 269 to 275
26) 長村 光造,町屋 修太郎,谷口博康、土屋 佳則,鈴木裕士、菖蒲 敬久,HARJO Stefanus,佐藤 眞直,宮下 克己、落合庄治郎、西村新, ITER用Nb3Sn線材中の超電導フィラメントに生起する熱歪の温度依存性, 低温工学 48巻12号 2013年617 - 624
27) T Hemmi, S Harjo, Y Nunoya, H Kajitani, N Koizumi, K Aizawa, S Machiya and K Osamura, Neutron diffraction measurement of internal strain in the first Japanese ITER CS conductor sample, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 (2013) 084002 (6pp)
28) K Osamura, S Machiya, S Ochiai, G Osabe, K Yamazaki, and J Fujikami, “High Strength / High Strain Tolerance DI-BSCCO Tapes by Means of Pre-Tensioned Lamination Technique”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(2013) 6400504-729) K. Osamura, S. Machiya , Y. Tsuchiya, H. Suzuki, T Shobu, M Sato, S. Harjo, K. Miyashita, Y. Wadayama, S. Ochiai and A. Nishimura Thermal Strain Exerted on Superconductive Filaments in Practical Nb3Sn and Nb3Al Strands” Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 (2013) 094001 (8pp).
30) K. Osamura, S. Machiya, S. Ochiai, G. Osabe, K. Yamazaki and J. Fujikami Direct evidence of the high strain tolerance of the critical current of DI-BSCCO tapes fabricated by means of the pretensioned lamination technique, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 (2013) 045012 (5pp).
31) H. Oguro, T. Suzuki, K. Minegishi, S. Awaji, K. Watanabe, G. Nishijima, M. Sugano, S. Machiya, T. Shoubu, M. Sato, T. Koganezawa, K. Osamura, A. Ibi, M. Yoshizumi, T. Izumi and Y. Shiohara, “Strain Dependence of Superconducting Properties for GdBCO Coated Conductor in High Field Under Tensile Load”, IEEE Trans. On Applied Superconductivity, 22 (2012) 6600504 (4pp).
32)M. Tomita,M. Muralidhar,K. Suzuki,A.. Ishihara,Y. Fukumoto,K. Osamura,S. Machiya, and S.Harjo “Non-destructive magneto-strain analysis of YB2Cu3Oy superconducting magnets using neutron diffraction in the time-of-flight mode”, Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (2012) 063923
33)落合庄治郎,新井貴博,永野伸次,奥田 浩司,菅野未知央,長村光造,Werner Prusseit:「被覆DyBCOコーテッドコンダクターの引張負荷ひずみ下での超伝導臨界電流およびn値変化」本銅学会誌「銅と銅合金」 Vol.51, No.1 (2012) 217-222.
34) S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, M. Fujimoto, J.-K. Shin, M. Sugano, M. Hojo, K. Osamura, S. S. Oh and D. W. Ha “Analysis of the correlation between n-value and critical current in bent multifilamentary Bi2223 composite tape based on a damage evolution model” Supercond. Sci. Technol., 25(2012)054016(10pp)
35) H Oguro, S Awaji, K Watanabe, M Sugano, S Machiya, T Shobu, M Sato, T Koganezawa and K Osamura, “Internal strain measurement for Nb3Sn wires using synchrotron radiation” Supercond. Sci. Technol., 25(2012)054004(4pp)
36) K. Osamura, S. Machiya, Y. Tsuchiya, H. Suzuki, T. Shobu, M. Sato, T. Hemmi, Y. Nunoya and S. Ochiai, “Local strain and its influence on mechanical-electromagnetic properties of twisted and untwisted ITER Nb3Sn strands”, Supercond. Sci. Technol., 25(2012)054010(9pp)
37) K Osamura, S Machiya, Y Tsuchiya, H Suzuki, T Shobu, M Sato and S Ochiai, ”Microtwin Structure and Its Influence on the Mechanical Properties of REBCO Coated Conductors”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(2012)8400809(9pp)
38) A. Toda, T. Arai, Y. Shimokawa, S. Nagano, S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, M. Sugano,K. Osamura and W. Prusseit: “Change in Local and Overall V-I Curves with Applied Tensile Strain in DyBCO Coated Conductor”, Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, Vol.471, No.21-22,(2011) 1050-1053
39) S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, T. Arai, S. Nagano, M. Sugano, K. Osamura and W. Prusseit: “Relation of Crack-induced Current Shunting to Transport Current and n-value in DyBCO-coated Superconductor”, Cryogenics Vol.51, No.10, (2011) 584-590
40) S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, A. Toda, S. Nagano, M. Sugano, K. Osamura and W. Prusseit: “Influenecs of Cracking of Coated Layer on Critical Current in Coated Composite Superconductor”, Mater. Sci. Forum Vols. 706-709 (2012)143-148
41)落合庄治郎、申載京、新井貴博、戸田徳大、永野伸次、奥田浩司、菅野未知央、長村光造、Werner Prusseit 銅被覆DyBCOコーテッドコンダクターの超伝導臨界電流の引張負荷ひ ずみ依存性 銅と銅合金 第50巻,第1号,(2011) 80-85.
42)T Hemmi, S Harjo,T Ito, K Matsui ,Y Nunoya, N Koizumi, Y Takahashi, H Nakajima, K Aizawa, H Suzuki, S Machiya, H Oguro,Y Tuchiya, and Kozo Osamura, „ Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Internal Strain in Nb3Sn Cable-In-Conduit Conductors”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.21 (2011)2028-2031
43)T Ito, S Harjo, K Osamura, T Hemmi ,S Awaji, S Machiya, H Oguro, G Nishijima , K Takahashi, K Matsui, Y Tuchiya, H Arima, K Aizawa, N Koizumi, T Nakamoto and T Ogitsu , “Stress/Strain Effects on Industrial Superconducting Composites” Materials Science Forum Vol.681 (2011)209-214
44)K Osamura, A Nyilas, H.Shin, “Estimation of uncertainty with the modulus of elasticity measured by means of tensile test for BSCCO tapes”, Cryogenics 50 (2010)660-665
45)K Osamura, A.Nyilas,K-P.Weiss, H-S.Shin, K.Katagiri, S.Ochiai, M.Hojo, M.Sugano, K.Ohsawa, “Intenational Round Robin test for mechanical properties of BSCCO-2223 superconductive tapes at room temperature”, Cryogenics 51 (2011)21-26
46)T Nakamura, K Matsumura, T Nishimura, K Nagao, Y Yamada, N Amemiya, Y Itoh, T Terazawa and K Osamura, A high temperature superconducting induction/synchronous motor with a ten-fold improvement in torque density”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 (2011) 015014-015019
47) K Osamura, A Sakai, T Nakamura, T Oka, S Fukuda, and S Yamaguchi; “Prototype of SC Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 21 (2011) 1445-1448
48)S.Ochiai, H.Okuda, M.Sugano, M.Hojo, K.Osamura, “Prediction of variation in critical current with applied tensile/bending strain of Bi2223 composite tape from tensile stress-strain curve”, Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 083904.
49)S.Ochiai, T.Arai, A.Toda, H.Okuda, M.Sugano, K.Osamura, W.Prusseit., “Influence of cracking of coated superconducting layer on voltage-current curve,critical current,and n-value in DyBCO-coated conductor pulled in tension”, Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 063905.
50) S.Ochiai, H.Okuda, M.Sugano, M.Hojo, K.Osamura, T.Kuroda, H.Kumakura, H.Kitaguchi, K.Itoh, H.Wada, “Modeling analysis of irreversible bending strain distribution and critical current distribution at low bending strains of Bi2223-composite tape”, Physica C.470 (2010) 1401-1405.
51)T.Arai, J.K.Shin, A.Toda, S.Ochiai, H.Okuda, M.Sugano, K.Osamura, W.Prusseit., “Fracture behavior of coated layer and its influence on critical current of DyBCO coated conductor”, Physica C.470 (2010) 1350-1353.
52) A.Toda, T.Arai, S.Ochiai, H.Okuda, H.Matsubayashi, M.Sugano, K. Osamura, and W.Prusseit., “Infuruence of tensile damage on V-I curve and critical current of DyBCO coated conductor”, Physica C.470 (2010) 1346-1349.
53)K Osamura, S Machiya, Y Tsuchiya, S Harjo,H Suzuki, T Shobu, K Kiriyama, and M Sugano; “ Internal Strain Behavior Exerted on YBCO Layer in the YBCO Coated Conductor”, IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 21(2011)3090-3093.
54)M.Hojo, K.Osawa, T.Adachi, Y.Inoue, K.Osamura, S.Ochiai, N.Ayai, K.Hayashi; “Effect of fatigue loading on critical current in stainless steel-laminated DI-BSCCO superconducting composite tape”, Physica C.470 (2010) 1373-1376.
55)Kozo Osamura, Shutaro Machiya, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Internal Strain and Mechanical Properties at Low Temperatures of Surround Cu Stabilized YBCO coated conductor”, IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity .20(2010 )1532-1536.
56)Kozo Osamura, Shutaro Machiya, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Force free strain exerted on a YBCO layer at 77 K in surround Cu stabilized YBCO coated conductors”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 045020-045026
57)H Oguro, S Awaji, G Nishijima, K Takahashi, K Watanabe, S Machiya, H Suzuki, YTuchiya and K Osamura, “Residual strain measurement using neutron diffraction for practical Nb3Sn wires under a tensile load”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010) 025034-025037.
58)長村光造、Stefanus HARJO、伊藤崇芳、相澤一也、淡路智、西島元、高橋弘紀、小黒英俊、辺見努、松井邦浩、土屋佳則、町屋修太郎、鈴木裕士、富田優、鈴木賢次, “ J-PARC中性子を用いた超電導材料・導体の研究”, 低温工学 45(2010) 135-147